If your request falls outside these guidelines you will need written permission from Group. Fees may apply in some cases. All fees are established to protect our copyrighted material. Contact permissions@group.com with requests outside of these guidelines. The more details you provide about your project, the faster we can process your request.
You CAN use, without written permission,
- Any clip art and logos included inside the kit or delivered digitally can be used to promote a program at your church (i.e. posters, bulletins, invites, t-shirts, mugs, banners, etc.). However, it is illegal to use these images for any purpose not related to your own group’s presentation of the program or for any activity intended to profit from their use. It is also illegal to copy any image that has not been included inside the kit or delivered digitally.
- Pages/resources that indicate they are reproducible or OK to copy. This can sometimes be indicated with an “ok to copy” icon, or with a permission to copy line at the bottom of the page. If it’s OK to copy, it will be clearly stated somewhere on the page.