Q. I have digital files of Group-owned songs. What am I allowed to do with those?
- Your church/organization CAN save the file(s) onto a single electronic device or save to a personal, password-protected cloud back-up service.
- Your church/organization CAN load/burn the file(s) to a single USB, DVD, or CD.
- And your church/organization CAN put the file(s) into a multi-media presentation for the purpose of displaying/projecting during IN-PERSON CHURCH-RELATED services/events.
- Your church/organization CANNOT upload the individual files to any publicly accessible site (such as YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, etc.).
- Your church/organization CANNOT use in an online event/service (whether live or recorded) without a Web License or CCLI Streaming PLUS license.
- Your church/organization CANNOT sell, charge admission for access to, or profit from the song file in any way.
- Your church/organization CANNOT make copies of the files on CDs, DVDs, or USBs, or any other type of media to give away or sell, or share access outside your church volunteers.
Q. Will the music get blocked if I use Group’s music in our streaming or recorded services?
A. Maybe
Explanation: On YouTube, provided you have purchased a Group Web License for the song(s) being used in your streamed/recorded service, and you’re using Group’s music per the terms of the Web License Agreement, then you shouldn’t experience any trouble. However, if you have not purchased a Group Web License or if you have uploaded individual song files to YouTube, the music will be blocked from playing. Uploading individual song/video files to YouTube also puts your channel at risk of suspension. If you have purchased a web license and experience issues with content blocking, please contact us at permissions@group.com.
On other platforms, Group cannot guarantee how any platform will handle playing copyrighted music. If you have purchased a Group Web License, you have Group’s permission to do what has been outlined in the Terms of Agreement. If a service is blocking your videos, you can provide them with the agreement as proof of permission.
NOTE: No matter the platform, it is never OK to upload individual song or video files to a publicly accessible website. This is like giving away something you don’t own to everyone in the world.
Q. Can we record our own versions of Music Videos using Group-owned music?
A. YES, if…
Explanation: If you purchased the music, or it came in a program you purchased (like VBS), then you can do this only for your church/organization’s own personal use (such as training or kids’ worship). Your recording cannot be uploaded to any publicly accessible website. And you cannot duplicate the videos onto any form of media that you either give away or sell.
Keep in mind, this ONLY applies to Group-owned songs. Group cannot give permission, in any circumstance, to re-create any song in any form for songs which we do not own the copyright.