Q. My church does a VBS invitation and/or wrap-up service that is also livestreamed. The service includes the kids singing along with the recorded VBS music or music video. Is this OK to do?
A: Yes
Explanation: Your purchase of a Group VBS program allows you to include the music (audio or video) that came with the program for in-person and/or streamed worship services where you are promoting or celebrating your church’s experience using the Group VBS program you purchased. This streaming permission is limited to use in a church service that is being streamed and only applies to songs marked with copyright lines stating either “© Group Publishing, Inc,” or “arrangement © Group Publishing, Inc.” This permission does NOT extend to conducting your Group VBS program online, or to posting Group music or videos separately as stand-alone audio or video pieces.
Q: Can we use the VBS music and music videos for other in-person church functions like children’s church?
Explanation: You can use the VBS audio recordings or music videos for normal in-person church-related activities if your church purchased the VBS program. The individual song/video files cannot be used online or uploaded individually to any publicly accessible site.
Q: Can I create my own photo slideshow with Group VBS music as the background music to share online?
A: Conditional
Explanation: You may only use the audio of the program theme song (track 1 on the music CD).
Q: Can we make copies of the VBS music or music videos to give or sell to families?
A: No
Explanation: Songwriters, producers, and others are paid based on the sales of music CDs, music DVDs, and other related items such as Group’s Lifetree Player App, music streaming services, etc. To make copies would deny them the compensation for their work. The only way this would be allowable is IF you acquire permission and licensing from Group, which involves a financial payment based on the number of copies you make. If you’d like to inquire about this, email permissions@group.com.
Q: Can I create original works with Group VBS music or media if I give the new works away and don’t charge for them?
A: No
Explanation: As with any copyright material, Group VBS music cannot be used to create derivative works or new works based on Group’s materials regardless of whether they are given away or sold unless you acquire the required licensing, which involves financial payment. Neither giving credit NOR making a statement saying you do not intend to infringe makes posting copyrighted material without written permission, acceptable. If you’d like to inquire about this, email permissions@group.com.
Q: Can I post Group VBS music or media online if I give copyright credit to Group?
A: No
Explanation: This is not allowed. Using a citation/giving copyright credit does not change the permissions for use of copyright material, no matter what you may have seen or been told by others.